Never ending house projects

 So it’s no secret that I love my house. I mean seriously. I am still in awe that God decided to give us this house. I have been working on projects for the last year and don’t think I will ever run out of them! I am not even close to complaining, because working around this house brings me so much joy. Is it a little weird that my dad came by the other day with a gift for me: a wrench set, and I am so ridiculously excited?! I love tools. All kinds. Sure, there are never ending house projects. But they involve working on a house that I love so I am happy to do them.

Besides a few mishaps here and there that involved animals thinking they have first dibs at the house, we are so happy. You can read about my experience with bats and birds in the house here.

You can see my dining room before and afters here.

The kitchen here.

Our bedroom here.

AJ’s bedroom here.

My library (the christmas edition) here.

Riley’s bedroom here.

The front porch here.

And now the front yard, where we are proudly displaying our yard-sale-find-furniture! It’s the little things, ya know what I mean? Now who wants to join me for coffee out here on a cool, fall night. So perfect.


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